Monday, July 26, 2010

ground hog trap suggestions

The landscape crews suggested we move the ground hog have-a heart trap to the side of the garden opposite the road where there is clear evidence of the critter trying to dig holes near that part of the fencing. They suggested facing it in line with the wall of the green house with one opening leading under the greenhouse. We need some new tasty sweet treat in the trap... maybe pineapple. If you go to the garden tonight, please place the food in the trap and test the mechanism again. The men also thought it might be good to try the trap uncovered. Another person suggested that we put very bright pink plastic ribbon in strips along our fences. He said deer don't like that.

Please continue to weed and mulch both the Garden of Weedon and Middle Earth. the more weeds will get rid of, the more our precious water goes to fruits and veggies.
Keith suggested we transplant some of the 4 o'clocks from the north garden down to the south area. They're like an army of defense against deer which don't like them.

happy gardening!

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